Tag Archives: empowerment

How life coaching changed my life! 

I always knew I wanted to help people. I spent most of my life searching for the way to help people but I always knew my calling and purpose, even when it seemed I didn’t. I grew up very lucky. My family wasn’t rich or anything like that, we had just enough to be happy, and somehow I always knew that was more than most people had in life. I had a beautiful family growing up that shared so much love that I couldn’t grow up happier. I knew I was lucky in life every time I saw a sad boy or girl in school and could cheer them up. I even knew it when I was a teenager growing up in war for 2 years, and lived to tell about it. I lived to tell about many things in life, though many I prefer not to talk about much. I am grateful though, for all the awful, miserable, crushing experiences I went through, because I am able to help people who are going through them now! I can help you discover exactly who you are, what you need to be happy in life and exactly how to work towards getting that life. I am an expert in going through challenges in life and coming out on top. Believe me, practice makes perfect!

Hi! My name is Krinka and I am a life coach. I am a professional makeup artist, photographer (with sole focus on confidence photography), project coordinator of 12 years (even though it wasn’t what I was meant to do), cake decorator (but not a very good one as I don’t even know how to back a cake, just decorate it), certified accountant (though I hate taxes!), and currently taking an NLP certificate (which stands for Neurolinguistic Programming). I am a creator of Confident You company that helps people reach their full confidence and potentials. I am a creator of Women Helping Women movement as well, because it is high time we focus on helping each other, don’t you think? I am also a huge advocate of being true to oneself. BE UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOURSELF. I spent many years of my life confused about who I was and who I was supposed to be according to society. I strongly felt that I had to hide who I truly was from a lot of people because I never thought they could understand and accept me just as I was: a person with unique experiences. I finally accept and love all that I am! I love that I am a life coach (even if that sounds like a broken record!). I love that I am finally healthier in life and becoming fitter every day but simply eating delicious and correct food and listening to my body. I love that I am able to be myself whether somebody likes it or not. I help people! I also dye my hair and have tattoos. I believe in kindness and thoughtfulness. I believe little things in life are what make life worthwhile. I believe all people have the ability and a way to find their happiness in life: through a satisfying job, happy love life, happy relationships, through anything that makes them happy really! I believe in passion and my passion is helping people in life. It is my dream come true. And believe me when I tell you: If I could do it, so can you! 

Discovering life coaching was a discovery of my life. As a younger gal I remember considering going to school for physiology because I wanted to help people so badly. Ultimately, realizing 8 years of school would have me in debt for many years, I decided against it. If only I had known of life coaching then, a big chunk of my life wouldn’t now feel like it was wasted. But hey, I’m thankful I discovered it this year as I am finally living the life I want, and am able show you how you can do it too!

So if you’re feeling stuck in life, with no job, or a job you hate, looking for your purpose in life, your happiness and a way to look forward to all the tomorrows, please contact me. I love helping everyone, in a nonjudgemental and respectful way. You can find my info at http://www.confidentyou.ca. Or contact me here or at https://m.facebook.com/Fabulous.Confident.You/.
I look forward to helping you get to know yourself, and fully living and loving the life you have!

Start here…

A dear friend convinced me to start a blog and so without further ado. Ta-da! Heh.
I think a good start is to share a bit about myself. If you met me before the odds are good that you met me as Mia Molotov, which is my burlesque stage name. I’ve been dancing burlesque since 2009, but I fell in love with it years before that. Burlesque community in Calgary is what finally brought me back from years of depression, and how I finally came to feel like I found where I belonged. 

But perhaps I rushed the story a bit. Let’s start at the beginning: I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe, into a loving family that consisted of my mom, aunt, grandma and grandpa. We had a happy life together and my childhood was quite fantastic. I’ve been dancing since I could stand and singing since I could speak. So when I moved to Canada with my mom and grandma in 1996 due to war in our country, it was very easy to fall in love with everything burlesque the second I saw it. I remember this absolutely stunning lady came out with these gorgeous white feathered fans and completely took my breath away. This first act alone sold me on everything burlesque. I found my love. 

But this is not all I am. While my love for everything burlesque is strong, I also have love and interests in many other places. Having dealt with depression for most of my life, I think it is absolutely crucial to share all the findings I find to spread awareness. It is important that people who are depressed, people who already have to deal with and fight their own negativity that is their life, get positivity and acceptance from others. There are a lot of negative, ignorant people in the world and it is important they don’t push depressed people over the edge. It is important we show humanity where it needs to be shown.

I also believe strongly in empowering women, making people confident, and all about body love and self love. I went to makeup academy for the sole purpose of being able to show art, and to make people feel great about themselves. I finished photography and life coaching for that same reason! I’ve always felt women today don’t feel as confident as they should. We are constantly judged and made to feel incompetent and not good enough: not thin enough, not curvy enough, not tall enough, not short enough, not pretty enough… And who gets to decide all this? Media? Some guy over there? Hell no! You, and only you, get to decide, and I am here to help you see that you’re are perfect exactly the way you are. Nobody else has the right to tell you otherwise, I don’t care who they think they are. You are amazing, never forget that! 

I am also a person who was recently told I was prediabetic. It happened when I binge ate a mountain of pasta and felt so sick afterwards that I dragged myself to the hospital. It was a very scary feeling, I thought I was leaving my body at one moment as I almost passed out. I always knew bad carbs such as pasta, breads, sugary treats and such were bad for me as my body was always so sluggish and negative afterwards, but that was the comfort food I knew and loved and I kept sticking to it. My little trip to the hospital changed everything. I must say, when you’re told to either change your lifestyle or start preparing for diabetes, it becomes very easy to make the right decision. I have been trying to lose weight for years now. Ever since I tasted depression I also tasted binge eating and that resulted in a very overweight person I didn’t recognize anymore. I would go back and forth with my weight gain, and it was starting to make me feel even more depressed. Having dealt with my mom’s cancer and her passing away in January 2015 sent me over the edge. My binge eating, depresison, isolation and even PTSD (I got from growing up in a war) exploded in me when I couldn’t handle the grief I was dealing with. And this is what sent me to a hospital just about a month ago or so. Now I am on a healthy low carb lifestyle and I forgot I could feel this good after every single meal. My life has transformed and I hope to get a chance to talk about how that happened in my new blog. I already lost 14 pounds! I’m super excited! 

I also absolutely love animals! I live with two gorgeous kitties and they’re my emotional gurus. I am that person that will go play with animals at a house party. So you may hear stuff like “please don’t feed your cats and most animals dry food as it is super bad for them” and “hug your fur babies today a little tighter” from me from time to time too.

There are many more things to me but I think I will finish my first blog with a “welcome to my life; we drink wine and love cheese and stories from all walks of life”. Cheers!